Thursday, March 10, 2011


Since I am the teacher, my feelings about the SAT and ARMT may be a little different than yours but not too much.  The SAT and ARMT weeks are stressful for me because I want to make sure that you do well on the test and don't feel overwhelmed by the information.  I too have to practice for the SAT and ARMT.  I go to a training session with Mrs. Harvel and the rest of the 4th grade teachers.  We learn how to give the test appropriately.  I hope everyone does their best this year!  Good luck!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Class

I just want to say how much I appreciate all of my students this year!  You are wonderful boys and girls, and I look forward to seeing what you all grow up to become.  I hope you enjoy using some of the new technology for the rest of the year and stay in touch with each other with it even over the summer.  I'll be checking in from time to time also.